The Home Hunter: a proper real estate CRM and better valuations with CASAFARI

Image of The Home Hunter, real estate agency

Ainoha Pérez, Commercial Director of The Home Hunter, wanted to push for improvements: the company needed more accurate property valuations and, later on, a well-rounded CRM that was designed for real estate businesses.

Her previous experience with CASAFARI made her get in touch with us in February 2021 and, so far, this has only gotten stronger. Let’s see how CASAFARI’s products were the answer to The Home Hunter’s needs.

Data to understand the market and monitor the competition

There is no shortage of ways in which CASAFARI’s products support The Home Hunter in their daily activities. 

Starting with their portfolio expansion, for example, the agency can count on both Alerts and CASAFARI GO to find private sellers in a specific area, getting in touch with them and seamlessly adding all the information of their prospecting efforts straight to their CRM.

“CASAFARI GO is very good for lead acquisition. It’s an original tool among all the others available on the market.”

Ainoha Pérez, Commercial Director of The Home Hunter

But, to approach a private seller they need to prepare, right? That’s where our Property Sourcing comes in handy: it allows the agent to know for how many days the property’s been on the market, check its history to stay aware of price decreases and to see whether it’s been available for sale before.

All this information acts as clues that let the agent know what’s the reality of the property, what’s going on with the seller now and how’s the negotiation process is going to look like. Another reason why this data is extremely useful for lead acquisition purposes is because it allows agents to show they’re knowledgeable about the property and the market to private sellers, winning their trust.

Thanks to the Property Sourcing and Alerts, the Home Hunter is also able to monitor their competitors to see which properties are part of their portfolio and if they’ve been growing.

And last, but certainly not least, you remember that the agency needed to improve the quality of their property valuations, right? With the Property Valuation tool, they can access the prices asked for the properties that compete against theirs on the market (those with the same location and characteristics), whether they’re active and sold.

This precious information is added to valuations, both the ones made to approach potential clients and those made for properties already in their portfolio, to help them come up with a selling strategy. Insightful information used to speed up the sales: nothing better!

A CRM developed for real estate professionals

And when it comes to CASAFARI CRM, Ainoha told us that, after analysing the option in the Spanish market, The Home Hunter chose our tool for multiple reasons.

The first one is the fact that CASAFARI CRM is integrated with CASAFARI’s real estate database, the largest one in Europe, with precious market data that Ainoha already knew well. Thanks to this integration, The Home Hunter gets to see all the agencies listing the same property and what each one of them says about it, for example.

Second of all, it is a proper real estate CRM. This can be seen from the very beginning of one’s interaction with CASAFARI CRM, since all information is displayed according to leads, properties and clients.

Finally, CASAFARI CRM is customisable, which would allow The Home Hunter to set the sales funnels in their own way of working and set the results dashboard the way they needed to enhance their business.

Nowadays, they could see that their choice was the right one. After working with CASAFARI CRM, Ainoha can see how our real estate CRM adds value to their day-to-day:

“Being able to search for properties, registering all interactions with a client, cataloguing all properties you have listed or that are in process of acquisition, that were acquired or sold, bringing with you all the database of the agency on an app, being able to automatically match clients to properties on your portfolio… It’s not something all CRMs allow you to do.”

Ainoha Pérez, Commercial Director of The Home Hunter

Another point highlighted by Ainoha was the fact that CASAFARI CRM registers WhatsApp activity with clients, as well as emails and phone calls effortlessly, something that can take up a whole lot of time from an agent.

All of this is possible because our tool is organised to help estate agents in their daily tasks and provides features that both speed up their work and enhance the communication with clients, such as Ownerlink, for example. 

Ownerlink: easier communication between agent and client

Whether it’s getting in touch with private sellers to expand their portfolio, monitoring their competitor’s activities, checking all the properties they had for sale, increasing the quality of the information on property valuations or getting better reports about their business, CASAFARI’s products were present in every aspect of The Home Hunter’s routine.

The Home Hunter’s team, equipped with their expertise, efforts and CASAFARI’s tools, resulted in an increase of 500% in their property portfolio, a growth achieved in the last two years! Isn’t it impressive?

About the role of CASAFARI CRM in this achievement, Ainoha said:

“Having a system that allows you to manage everything straight from the CRM, including even invoicing and calendars, It’s what makes it a whole package.” 

And we sure strive to keep helping The Home Hunter and all our clients to reach their goals and grow their business with our technology!

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