ERA Arcoris & CASAFARI: unlocking portfolio growth


When the real estate agency ERA Arcoiris was recommended to CASAFARI, they had a very clear challenge to face: to provide their estate agents with a tool that enabled more deals by growing their portfolio, which is the base for a healthy real estate business.

Let’s see how our products could help them solve this matter!

Finding FSBO leads in no time

Our Property Sourcing offers filters to find properties that are FSBO and check how long they’ve been on the market, identifying the homeowners that are struggling to sell and would benefit most from professional help

The agent can also use this tool to set alerts and be informed on their emails when a new property comes up in an area of interest or to get notified when there are new FSBO properties. This way, the professional can be the first one to approach the seller, increasing the chances of converting them into a client.

This was how our real estate software helped increase the number of contacts among ERA Arcoiris’ agents and private sellers, achieving their initial goal. Woohoo! 

But, wait, there’s more!

A partnership powered by data

In order to enable more deals, it wasn’t enough for ERA Arcoiris’ estate agents to find new clients willing to sell their homes. The agents also had to convince the sellers that they were knowledgeable about the property market and knew the right strategy to sell that piece of real estate. This is where CASAFARI’s Property Valuation took the stage: its data-driven analyses were crucial!

Our property valuation tool suggests an accurate asking price by finding comparable properties. The result is the creation of market analyses that don’t take into account solely the location, characteristics and conditions of the property to be sold, but also finds and considers competitor properties to recommend how to position the property on the market.

Other useful data provided by our Property Valuation reports are the time spent on the market and the market stock available for a property such as the client’s. Therefore, it’s possible to show the client based on which data-driven assumptions you built your pricing strategy, making it easier to agree with the client on an asking price.

Besides providing updated real estate data, CASAFARI helps the estate agents from ERA Arcoiris to work smarter. Instead of manually going after comparable properties in dozens of different portals, they can find them with useful filters in minutes, saving time and effort.

And, speaking about saving time, there’s more: by suggesting the appropriate asking price for a property, CASAFARI’s Comparable Market Analysis helps agents attract more potential buyers and sell faster.

All this time spared, both in creating the report and during the sales process, can be reinvested by ERA Arcoiris’ estate agents to find and care for new clients, increasing revenues and the influx of deals.

With the daily usage of our CASAFARI’s products since the end of 2020, ERA Arcoiris managed to empower their agents with data. Consequently, it allowed them to work smarter and faster, generating more deals.

“It’s a very practical tool, easy to use and with data that’s full of potential.”

Rafael Bello, broker at ERA Arcoiris

What about your business? Get in touch and subscribe to CASAFARI to be the next of our clients celebrating their achieved goals with the help of our real estate software!

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Estate agent working to improve her real estate sales

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