Smartlink & Smartmail: automating for better results in less time

Smartlink and Smartmail, two automations of CASAFARI CRM

Automating work processes in real estate allows estate agents to streamline repetitive tasks, such as data entry, scheduling, and document management. By leveraging the technology of a CRM for real estate management, you will be able to create automated email campaigns and virtual tours, for example, while focusing your time on more strategic aspects of your work.

When it comes to sending interesting properties for potential buyers, automations eliminate the need for manual searches and individualized email compositions for each prospect. Consequently, agents can allocate more time to engaging with clients, addressing inquiries, and fine-tuning their property recommendations based on feedback.

And, since automating tasks is one of the strongest points of CASAFARI CRM, let’s get to know two functionalities that allow you to find the perfect property for potential clients without much effort.

Automatically sending interesting properties to your clients with CASAFARI CRM


Smartlink is a tool that allows you to present the properties in your portfolio that have the features that match your client’s needs. They are shown in mini-site format, through which they can navigate to see more about each property. Smartlink translates the content automatically, sending all the information to your client in their own language.

And there’s a benefit for the estate agent as well: professionals can see the statistics of the page for a more data-driven work approach, checking which were the properties accessed by the client and how many clicks they received. 

This information shows the agent when to reinforce the promotion of a property, when to approach a client trying to stimulate an acquisition and also allows them to understand which are the properties that need improvements in order to be more appealing.

Creating a smartlink inside CASAFARI CRM

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Another feature that will help you keep your potential clients on track with market opportunities is Smartmail, an automated system that allows you to periodically send an email with a Smartlink of properties that match the interest of the buyer.

After having created the contact inside your CASAFARI CRM with its preferences, you need only to define a text for Smartmail to be automatically sent. You get to define the sending frequency, time of the day and price margin, so the system finds properties that the buyer can actually acquire. Smartmail does not repeat properties already communicated and is sent in the language defined in the contact.

By streamlining the repetitive task of individually curating and sending listings, the automation ensures that relevant and captivating property options are consistently delivered to interested parties. Meanwhile, the agent is free to focus on personalized client interactions, negotiations, and other high-value aspects of the real estate business.

Setting up a smartmail inside CASAFARI CRM: choosing the frequency and a property price margin

Moreover, it enhances efficiency, allowing the agent to handle a larger volume of leads and cultivate stronger relationships with clients, ultimately boosting productivity and maximizing the potential for successful transactions.

Ready to start working more efficiently and boost your revenues? Count on CASAFARI CRM to help you with that!

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